Protection from violence, abuse and neglect
Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova | |
» DREPTURILE COPILULUI MONITORIZATE DE COPII. Dreptul la protecție față de abuz, violență și neglijare Raportul copiilor despre respectarea Convenției privind drepturile copilului în Republica Moldova. Chișinău 2013 |
"Child Rights Monitored by Children. Protection from violence, abuse and neglect" is the second report of the Child Rights Working Groups (CRWG) from Leova and Orhei districts. It includes the results of monitoring the right to protection from abuse and violence in 2013.
The findings, observations and suggestions of the CRWG members were structured in three major areas:
· Issues - description of the situation and settings where children are subjected to violence;
· Prevention - measures and mechanisms of informing and educating children and professionals to prevent violence;
· Response - services available for children in situations of violence / victims of violence.
In addition, this report includes the results of children's survey on the knowledge and the level of children's rights respect.
Working process
During the data analysis process, working groups compared the results of the monitoring in 2013 and 2012. Their task was to describe the changes that have occurred in the meantime and the issues that remained unchanged.
The right to protection from abuse and violence was monitored both during the school year and during summer holidays. For this reason, it presents the situation within and outside the school, including the relations between the members of the school community, family, and various public institutions from the community.
The study was conducted by children during May 2013 on a sample of 827 children from Leova and Orhei, aged between 7 and 17 years old.
In the process of data collection 54 children were supported by the CRIC's team: Cezar Garviliuc, Iosif Moldovanu, Claudia Danii, Smiljana Frick and Diana Panico.
Media stories about the Report and the Group
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